Women RISE

Fulfilling Our Soul Purpose with Dr. Holly Woods

Episode 20

I'm thrilled to share this recent conversation with Holly Woods, a colleague and kindred spirit, author of the best-selling book "The Golden Thread: When to Find Purpose in the Stages of Your Life." I recently read her book, and I was deeply inspired by her insights on how our soul purpose evolves as we develop into higher stages of consciousness. 

Throughout our conversation, we discuss one of my favourite subject of all times: How our soul incarnates uniquely to fulfil its unique purpose.  Holly candidly shares about her own challenging journey and how she learned to attune to her soul's guidance. Drawing insights from quantum physics, we delve into topics such as healing from trauma and reshaping our beliefs to create a different reality. 

Finally, and beyond the idea of individual purpose, we touch on the idea of humanity sharing a collective purpose, and how, in a world facing multiple existential risks, some of us are being called to evolve towards a new way of being human.

Holly Woods Ph.D is an Integral Coach, an  entrepreneur., a scientist, a bestselling author and a speaker. Visit her website to learn more about her programs and to be informed of her upcoming new course. 

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Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to Women Rise, a podcast about women changemakers that explores the emergence of a new leadership paradigm, which calls us to lead from within. I'm your host, claire Molina, and I live and work on the island of Corsica, in the south of France. I'm a holistic coach and therapist. I teach and facilitate developmental programs for conscious women changemakers, helping them move from depleted and disconnected to resourced and interconnected. Every week, I meet with other women leaders and we explore the inner game of leadership and how, in this times of emergency, we are being called to our unique self-emergence to co-create a world that works for everyone. Hello and welcome to Women Rise. I'm so delighted to welcome Dr Hollywood here today. Hollywood is the author of the Best Seller, the Golden Thread when to Find Purpose in the Stages of your Life. She's a master coach, a mentor, a scientist and the founder of the Emergence Institute. She works with individuals, organizations and businesses to align their lives with their sole purpose. So, holly, I'm delighted to welcome you here and I have been looking forward to this conversation. Thank you, claire.

Speaker 2:

I'm so delighted to be here.

Speaker 1:

We've waited a while for this conversation, so I have a lot of pent-up enthusiasm yeah likewise, as a way to start, I would love for you to begin with just telling us what is the Golden Thread?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you know, like most of my stories, they're not simple and I'll do my best to synthesize, you know, the sort of the origins of the work. First off, I didn't actually come up with the term. It came through me, as most everything does. Now. I'm very much a channel and a psychic and don't really operate, you know, in the normal way from my mental schema, though I use it as a foundation for everything that comes through.

Speaker 2:

I had been living, you know, attempting to live an intentional life for decades when the event that led to the Golden Thread happened you know, to backtrack a couple of decades I had been challenged to figure out what it is I'm here to do. My whole life that was always a burning question in me, like why am I here? What is it that I'm supposed to contribute? I knew from very, very early voices that said you're here to do something important. So my whole life had been guided by okay, what is this thing Like, what is it I came back for and what is it I'm doing in the world this lifetime that has kept me here, despite lots of trauma and really challenging life circumstances, depression and suicidal ideation. And so in my 30s I think I was, you know I had a book fall out of a bookshelf, basically on me. That was about purpose Greg LaVoy's book and so like, oh, so maybe there's something about purpose and I.

Speaker 2:

So I went down that rabbit hole. I go down a lot of rabbit holes when I'm enthused and inspired by something, and so many, many years my doctorate, master coaching, training, et cetera and I was working with clients one day with a client, and part of my process, my work, is to uncover the life story Like, what is the story you've been living? I just knew there was something really fascinating in these stories that we live and I was listening to one of my clients give me the details of her life and all of a sudden, a golden thread showed up. I visualize, I see things, and as I was visualizing the trajectory of her life experience, all of a sudden, literally a golden thread showed up and like and showed me the connection between the elements of her life and I'm like whoa, what is that? That's a golden thread. I don't even know what this is and I became so fascinated by like, what is this thing? And so I really began to study and explore, both in my own life and in the circumstance I raised my four kids to my own natural birth children and then two step children.

Speaker 2:

And so I went back like, oh my gosh, I've had all of these opportunities to utilize my life circumstances to explore how our soul guides us through life and it's many opportunities and experiences to both liberate a greater awareness of what it is we're here to do, what our soul has brought us for, you know, the evolutionary trajectory of our life experiences and also to create the opportunities and experiences that allow our healing and to have an awareness of our unconscious shadow, which is the involutionary.

Speaker 2:

And so the golden thread, in essence, is really the weaving of the evolutionary and the involutionary experiences of our lifetime. So as we, as we express ourselves more fully, with greater awareness, and come to understand and able to articulate who we are, what is ours to do, and also to do the healing work, to go in deeply into the crevices, the crevasses of our life and excavate what is there to enlighten us so that we can relieve the burden of our trauma and karma. We become more evolved humans, and the more we can allow this trajectory to happen naturally, organically and even make sense of our lives, that we become more fulfilled and liberated from that which our soul brought us here to accomplish, to resolve and to be expressed fully. That was a very nutshell. Thank you for that.

Speaker 1:

That was a that was a mouthful, and so there's a few things that stroke me in how you express. That is the many times you said I was listening. So you heard voices when you're a child and this book fell on your lap and you listened. Yes, you asked yourself oh, what is it? What is this book saying to me? And so there's a sense that you're very attuned to how your soul is talking to you.

Speaker 2:

Yes, and you know, and that's happened over the years, when we don't listen, you know, this is our soul is always willing to bring us another opportunity that hit us on the head. So how does that work with the golden thread right when we don't listen because most it repeats, you know, and that's why many of us have very jagged looking threads, lives that have had a lot of trauma and a lot of gifts.

Speaker 2:

And I've had a lot of both and I'm blessed, I feel blessed to have had both, and the more you don't listen, the more times you're going to be faced, confronted, with that very thing that your soul wants you to experience right.

Speaker 1:

So that's how the golden thread speaks to us through the repeating experiences, until we get it.

Speaker 2:

Well, I wouldn't animate the golden thread as a being or a spirit. It's the trajectory, you know, it's like the map of our experiences. I don't ascribe an aliveness to it. I mean I describe it to our soul and our spirit. You know, our soul is the individuated expression of our spirit. We are spiritual beings. We're connected when the morphogenic field and in our human experience, and our soul is the individuated expression of spirit.

Speaker 2:

So, while we're interconnected, each of us has a very distinct, nuanced one of a kind, at literally one in 480 quadrillion version, like so. Nobody else ever, in any place in the cosmos is designed like you are to do what your soul brought you here to do. And so your golden thread is so distinct and so nuanced. And having a precise awareness of that critical nature of who you are as a divine being in the cosmic tapestry, listening closely to each call, you know part of why it's called a calling. It's always calling us to pay attention to the nuanced invitation. This is our souls calling us.

Speaker 2:

And so as we listen more closely, the thread actually settles down, you know, in the latter's. You know decade, this last decade of my life, especially when I've so learned to be attuned to the calls to, the voices, the nudges, sometimes the hurdles, the pains, the pain it made. It calls us in many ways, and when I pay attention and listening so closely that the very next step I take is in that direction, or the very next action or the very next expression of me is following that thread, that it doesn't feel so chaotic, it feels more useful and graceful, and so my life has actually settled down. I don't have trauma like I used to. You know, I had decades and decades of trauma because I wasn't listening and my soul just kept saying Holly, you have to pay attention here, this is what you're here for, and so you have to learn in order to teach others.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah. So the golden thread, as you said, is more like a trajectory of our souls journey and learning to recognize the steps. That's how I can start to listen to my soul's calls and to its unique flavors and its unique desires. Deepest, your deepest desire my heart's and soul's deepest desires are actually encoded. Yes, and within that thread there are some signposts that give me a sense of whether I'm aligned or not.

Speaker 2:

Yes, and those signposts, you know nudges. I like to think about them as nudges because they're very seldom so obvious as a signpost, I mean. So if you learn to listen to the signs and omens of the universe, you become very attuned to all the signs, but often they're nudges that feel like a heart flutter or an inspiration or a pang or a confusion. You know, there's just, there's a lot of ways it shows up in us that cause you to like huh, you know, take pause, like okay, wow, that was out of the blue. I didn't actually expect that. What is that that lives in me and how can I attend to it?

Speaker 2:

Sometimes I'll have a thought just out of the blue, like wait, what, what was that thought? Where did they come from? And like, okay, so I have to consider that's information, it's data. You know, I'm a scientist as well and so it's all data that I'm constantly listening to deeply and assimilating to try to make sense of it. You know, and sometimes I don't know what to do with it either. Sometimes I need it to happen several times, like okay, got it, got it. Now. Like yeah, you've been trying to tell me that I wasn't listening. Now I understand, yeah, and the more you know, just the more we listen, the easier it is to hear and the more quickly we can respond. And pivot, you know, a few years ago we were talking about pivots, as if pivots are easy to make, sometimes they're very challenging and up into our life you know those kinds of pivots.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, I just had a thought of the word describing this way of being. Again, you know, this deep listening and this learning to attune to my own and unique instrument, which is my body and my senses. And how is my soul talking to me with my calm? Through specific feelings or heart flutters, or for me, often it's that deep sensation in the gut or just a knowing I just know, and then again, if I doubt it, it'll come back to me until I really can trust it. Some people hear voices. Soul has a unique way of talking to us and so for our listeners, it's really about leaning into the conversation with your soul, learning to recognize that thread and how it manifests.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and I just want to pick up on something you said earlier Our body is an instrument. You know, we have really seriously powerful sensory apparatus that can help us navigate the human experience. Whether or not you have any psychic, extrasensory, subtle experiences, the basic sensory apparatus within your body are powerful instruments, but many of us are not embodied enough to use those sensory apparatus in a fine tuned way. You know, some of the work I do with clients is generally helping people get back in their bodies and pay attention to all the myriad of signs that come through these phenomenal human apparatus, apparatus, whatever that word is.

Speaker 2:

And so, you know, learning to listen, learning to see, learning to smell and sense, like our, you know, our skin is the largest organ we have, and so, even if that's all you have which is amazing we are so adept at tuning into the world around us and what comes, what comes at us, through us, in us, at a cellular, you know, molecular, atomic level, we can still accomplish a lot Following the attunement, using our sensory and extrasensory apparatus to tune in there is what happens for most people is like okay, got that, heard it, but I can't do that, I can't step into that, I can't possibly take that step, you know.

Speaker 2:

So we are so repressed as humans in our acculturation to living according to social expectations and norms that this is where the shadow work comes in Becoming, you know, aware of having an awakened awareness of both that with lives within us, which we are called to do as we attune, and also to that which we are unconscious, to the shadow that has limited us because we've needed to accommodate the world we live in. So a lot of the work I do really is deep, deep shadow work uncovering the fractured selves that were formed in childhood, the excavating the belief systems and structures that we create, that govern who we are in the world and create an identity and the formation of our social self, and then recreating identity and alternate realities in order to move forward as we are gaining access to the brilliance, the genius of our systems, our tuning forks Right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, well more. And as you're speaking, I'm thinking of how much trauma there is in the body and no wonder where it is embodied.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean everything I just mentioned is usually resulting from some level of trauma, either childhood. This lifetime when I still call it a blessing Everything we experience is an opportunity for us to dig deep into who we really are and uncover and deconstruct and reformulate ourselves, or it could be karmic, like you know, and a lot of the work I do is regression work, because so much of what we experience in this lifetime is a result of our soul saying yeah, you know you got to clean up all that stuff. Like you created a mess out there and or the universe created it for you, whatever you believe, and all those tangled threads that you've been weaving through lifetimes. Yep, we're going to just we're going to try to resolve some of that this lifetime. So we're always cleaning up karma and ancestral trauma as we clean up ourselves. I don't actually see it as any distinct thing. Like you know, whenever I do work here to resolve the stuff that happened in this lifetime's childhood, I'm also resolving the collective and ancestral trauma. Like it's not distinct, it's all the same.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and in healing myself I heal all that's behind me and all that.

Speaker 2:

Right and in front of me.

Speaker 1:

And you know time is infinite.

Speaker 2:

We are our conception of time and space. You know, we're challenged by believing that there's this single life, single trajectory, linear, chronological time, and we know that that's not accurate.

Speaker 1:

We know that's not how it works, and so this life purpose that my soul has in store for me also comes through my trauma.

Speaker 2:

Oh, completely. It's all related, you know, and just to zoom out a bit, purpose is a word that has many meanings. Now, it has always meant for me what my soul brought me here to do, but it has many different meanings, and so, for when I speak about purpose, it's that you know your deep soul, purpose, the reason for being in this lifetime, and, as we spoke about, your soul brings you to a lifetime in order to do the involution and evolutionary dance. You know, if we could think about it, as I'm coming to have a dance and I'm going to do some evolving and becoming more expressed and more potentiated as my true self, and I'm also going to do the involutionary dance and I'm going to clean up some of the mess that was created in you know, many lifetimes by me and all my ancestors and all the many others. You know it depends on whether, how, how much of a collective being you are. I do a lot of collective trauma healing. So I come to this lifetime with that dance in mind and my soul is constantly creating opportunities for me to say okay, more expression here and more cleanup on aisle nine here.

Speaker 2:

So trauma is just part of life. It's not something that happens to us that we are victims of, and when this is all new to me in the last 20 years, like it took me a long, long time to move out of thinking, oh, life happens to me and I'm a victim. So the trauma that I experience is just an opportunity to witness myself. It's a mirror to what needs to resolve within me and I have the opportunity to see it as that and choose to witness myself and uncover and deconstruct the complicated and convoluted expression of my soul that's been constrained and wasn't fully expressing, and then liberate those constraints to become more free and more my own so I can have even greater expression.

Speaker 2:

So you know this whole notion that trauma is this huge thing like. Well, it is because we're all constrained by it. And if we could choose to say, oh, trauma, yay, something's happening that I need to pay attention to, that will serve me if I use it. Well, I mean, I don't actually like the current conversation about trauma. I'm glad we're having it finally, rather than denying it, repressing it, hiding from it, numbing it with substances, which we've done for eons. We're finally talking about it, but it's not this big bad thing that we're all exposed to.

Speaker 1:

I think you said it clearly that distinction that's most important with trauma is that I am not my trauma right.

Speaker 2:

I am not my trauma.

Speaker 1:

I am not my trauma and it didn't happen to me.

Speaker 2:

And it didn't happen to me. But, more importantly, it didn't happen to me. I created circumstances. You know, maybe four lifetimes ago I created circumstances that created the energetic resonance. And here is an opportunity to say, oh, let me uncover this. Let me be clear. I'm not suggesting that we cause trauma, that we cause crime, that we cause disease, that we cause war. You know, like I'm not creating that, the universe is giving me an opportunity to have a reflection, like right now. Should we not be reflecting who we are as humans and how we created this mess that we're in, and take every opportunity to say, oh, whoa. If I look in the mirror, how am I a part of this scenario? Like, what am I doing? How did I contribute? What is my responsibility in this moment? Who can I become? That creates a different scenario that helps to move us forward.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely Beautiful. And actually, what you just said brings me to what I really wanted to talk about with you, which is this question of our collective purpose. Because, yes, there is the soul's purpose, my individual's purpose and my individual evolutionary path, and whether I will take it on in this lifetime or not, or in how I will take it on, but I'm sensing there's also a collective purpose for humanity, humanity's collective purpose, and my sense is that, in this particular time that you just mentioned, in this time of polycrisis, there's an opportunity here for us as humans to rise up to the occasion. There is an invitation, a collective purpose that we are invited to fulfill. As you and I know, crisis is an evolutionary driver and in this time of metacrisis, humanity is being called to rise up to its collective purpose. That's the intuition that I have and I would love to hear your thoughts on this.

Speaker 2:

I think it's a beautiful question. I don't have an answer to you. Know, what is our collective purpose? I don't seem to really grasp that question well enough yet to even have a. I don't even have any thoughts about it. I do know. So your last question is what can we do about it? What is the invitation Is?

Speaker 2:

I still believe that each of us, every one of us who is willing and is resourced enough to step boldly I mean boldly now is the time. Is the time if you've been thinking about it and not quite willing and something scares you now is the time to boldly uncover who you are and begin to step squarely into your own personal, true, authentic expression, so that each of us can become the most potentiated version of ourselves and bring that next expression to the planet now. The more of us that do that, the more the world will shift. I don't know any other way. It's the only solution I see. I mean we can talk about infrastructure and the devolution of humanity, it's like, but unless more and more and more of us are actually really aligned. So quantum physics I've studied quantum physics now for enough time that, like I know how magic happens, we have to become so aligned at a cellular, molecular, atomic, quark level. We know who we are. All our cells are moving in the same direction. We become internally coherent with ourselves. So all the actions, decisions, expressions of me are moving in the same direction.

Speaker 2:

Universe is like yep, you got it All right. Now I'm gonna bring in the external coherence. So people start showing up and we are coherent, we create something together. You know, this is where tribe begins to occur and then we begin to resonate at a level that like, oh, actually our collective energy is moving out. We become available to superposition so we can live in more than one reality. I can be living here in this human form, sort of in the constraints of my human existence, but I am also showing up as if I am truly my design sacred self and I'm creating parallel realities and then synchronicity and magic happens. It's the only solution I know for our current dilemma and that's where I'm taking people Like. This is my work, like. I am now taking people into magic, like, and it works. I've been trying it long enough in my own life and with clients, and that's beautiful.

Speaker 1:

Holly, I mean, what you just described to me is the beginning of fulfilling our collective purpose. I don't know what our purpose is either. I do have a sense. So that particular dynamics are magic and when we do that as a collective, as a small collective, there is a collective purpose that starts to come.

Speaker 2:

I hadn't thought about it that way, claire.

Speaker 1:

It's beautiful, thank you for saying that. I thought about that because of that notion of creating islands of sanity. I think it's Mark Mead who talked about this and Erwin Laszlo talks about it as well. He calls it something different, but basically it's when people come together. Mark Gaffney speaks about it as Unix of Symphony, so it's when people come together and each of them is fulfilling their unique purpose, have a sense of their unique path, and when that happens, there's a resonance and there's a collective energy that creates coherence and resonance.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and Margaret Wheatley's been talking about it for decades as well. Right, margaret Wheatley, that's right. Yeah, she's doing some beautiful work in that arena, and so my work is literally turning us on, turning us each on. Me. My primary case study, like everything that I experienced turns into some kind of new tool because, like, okay, I'm suffering today. What do I need to do to get out of this suffering so I can turn back into my aligned self? So I've been doing this work for decades. I swear it's just like a big getting big. But literally my work now is helping innovators, visionaries, founders, leaders, change makers, people who are want to be wayfinders and like, boldly moving forward.

Speaker 2:

We have to be the most precise instruments of divinity. I guess that's how I would call it is. I love that. I love that Precisely. I am so attuned to the sacred energy voice message. I am a vessel of the divine. That's all I am. I am nothing else and I live to see that. And the unique one and the unique one, right, like nobody's like me, thank God, look, you know.

Speaker 2:

Nobody's like you and they're all these amazing things Vessels, right and when we find each other it's like, oh my God, you're in another one, yeah, it's a party and let's be together and create magic together. And it's great to find each other. And we really, truly have to be aligned internally first. That's where it starts. We have to have that very, very, very precise awareness that creates the alignment of my quarks. You know, at the quantum level, I literally have to be living as myself or I'm not gonna be expressing that divinity Bye bye.

Speaker 1:

There's a commitment, there is a deep commitment to that right that comes from.

Speaker 2:

Oh, my God, you know, just if you only knew what you know.

Speaker 2:

I don't call it sacrifice anymore because I'm so happy and joyful and, you know, feel like I'm living the best life I have, a life that I mean, I don't know many people who are as joyful and happy as me and that and it's not a comparison thing At times I felt like it was a true sacrifice and now I realize, oh no, I'm the lucky one.

Speaker 2:

I'm the lucky ones Because I knew I had to do that. I was called, you know, almost I was forced to do this work and because of the life circumstances that propelled me, and it is a commitment, and most of us, because of the world we live in, are not willing to give up the things, to relinquish the things that keep us tied to the external indicators of success. You know, whether it's wealth or material items or connections that aren't necessarily serving us, or locale in the world or whatever. And I'm like you know, who would move nearly 40 times in your adult life to follow my thread is called me to move and to leave relationships and to change careers. And you know, la la, la, like it's asked a lot of me and I'm so grateful, and it's a level of commitment that not everybody's required. You know, that was just my journey.

Speaker 1:

Now I'm just, I'm just feeling into the deep alignment of your soul to you and you to your soul.

Speaker 2:

You know I even more. I mean my soul is committed to the birthing of humanity. I mean, that's, that's really what my soul I'm just a soul expression at this point and my soul is is completely committed to us birthing the new human form what. What came through me the other day was oh, this work that I am birthing right now, you know in the next few months, is about creating the new human prototype.

Speaker 1:

Like, oh, that's what I'm doing now, okay tell me more about that, and well, this is where your work is going now.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and it's not that, it's not the golden thread, it's just the golden thread is a piece of the work and it is no different than what we've just been talking about. But I'm so clear now that you know, then the new human form, which I don't, I don't have a clue what a clue. And I'm talking about Claire. It's just like this just comes through me, like okay, just guide me, give me instructions every step of the way and I'll be happy to follow them, just kind of how I live. And so this new human form that we are becoming is so attuned at a quantum level.

Speaker 2:

Our quirks must be aligned with the messages of many forms that come in through us and we take each step, make each decision, every nuanced expression of us aligned with that self which is spirit living through us and our soul expression, and boldly, courageously stepping into that expression. Because we've worked through all the constraints of our former selves, of our fractured childhood parts, of our limiting beliefs and all those systems and structures and our somatic constrictions and our energetic misalignments. We've done that work and now we are pure vessels of divinity, willing to step boldly into the unknown, because everything is shifting so rapidly that we have to be nimble, agile and mediate sourced beings, and so my job, literally, is to help us become that, so that we can be the wayfinders, the lighthouses, the guides as we're moving into the future, and in that process we are liberating our next expression. So it's our next job, it's our next product, it's our next business, our next whatever, it's not just oh, I'm going to be some divine being radiating love like well.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I am creating products, I am building business, I am launching things into the world that are an expression of me as that being, and so it's very much also living in the real material world as an embodied being doing the next thing that your soul brought you here to do. It's both a spiritual and a material interface. You know it's both.

Speaker 1:

I have lots of light bulbs as you're speaking and speaking of again that question I had earlier about our collective purpose, and what I'm hearing you say is that you're participating in the birth of that new human through what you're doing. You know all the dots and balls that you're putting together to create that product, so it's very 3D, but it's also that sense that you're birthing through doing this movie. You're birthing that new being. I'm thinking of Aurobindo and you know all this different planes that he was in his time trying to bring down into the earth plane. I'm thinking of also Barbara Max Herbert, who spoke of a new human. Margevny speaks about homo amor. So there is a sense of collective purpose here too. We are tapping into new capacities, new ways of being that are not where culture is now.

Speaker 2:

I had an opportunity to work with Barbara Max Herbert when I was at Chef Network and I was I don't know. I had the good fortune of being there when she was transmitting the homo universalis. You know her initial notion of this future being and we would have long conversations about it. She's like Holly, do you think the world's ready? And I'm like no, but you still have to have the conversation. She was ready. She was ready and like should I do this?

Speaker 1:

Like yes, yes, because I just loved how she was lightning when she was trying to what a light house.

Speaker 2:

You know what a guide for those of us who were at her feet, literally, and you know she was an inch. She, like thousands of others, was an influence in my own birthing process and I think I told you I've been birthing this new course, this new product, for two years. It was a vision that was downloaded a decade ago, wow, and I kept trying. I kept there had so many failed attempts at launching it and over time I'm like, oh, I'm actually not ready. It's ready, I'm not ready, I don't have the capacity to hold this. So I had to become the being that literally could manifest this in the world. And, of course, it shifted, the vision shifted. It became something else in the process of me becoming a more evolved and having done the evolution work. And so now I am aligned with it. It is ready to like OK, I'm done gestating this thing and it is ready to be birhed.

Speaker 2:

And you know, literally I moved 10 days ago and it wasn't until I moved. I really think the place I was could not house this version of me and this new work. And I like, oh, after I moved, start the labor process and boom, oh my gosh, the labor process just initiated like, oh all right, now it's ready. Now I'm ready, and this is kind of how it happens this is part of why I've moved so many times is I just sense like, oh, there needs to be a new environment, a new space, a new container to hold me newly?

Speaker 1:

Beautiful. Can you tell us more?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so it's going to be a currently it's a four month journey. I'm calling it an immersion. It is very deep work and it is for people who know they have something to be birthed that will serve the world. And oftentimes you know people, I work with my clients. They have a sense of it. They kind of, or they've been orienting their life around it They've tried it a few times or it lives in them, but it doesn't necessarily have a material world expression, but they know there's something like oh my god, it hurts.

Speaker 2:

I got to bring it in and or I want to make a great contribution, and so I call visionaries, innovators, change makers whatever label people like us hold. For yourself. It is literally to gain awareness of your golden thread and to liberate all the constraints. Literally, it's a deep, deep immersion into what is holding you back, because what happens is it's not so much that we have to uncover and unearth and discover the golden thread and purpose. It's like our soul has always been trying to live it. There's no shortage of information available there, it's just that we shut it down in all the ways. And so a good chunk of this course literally is doing that deep immersion in what are the parts of you that have been repressed and lost and reclaiming the power of those parts. So I've been doing a lot of internal family systems work now for a couple of decades and I've actually now innovated on that methodology and so a lot of the course really is reclaiming the power that's been lost in the repression of our true self and in that process we begin to allow and align with and amplify the expressions of us that were lost, that are now reclaimed, in order to appreciate, acknowledge and animate, to live into that expression in this lifetime.

Speaker 2:

So it's a very defined process that I use with clients, that's. I mean it never doesn't not work. It's about triple negative, literally. It's not like I can guarantee anything, but it works. It works. I mean I'm a scientist, I've been developing products for decades and this is just a combination of the many, many things and it's the whole human. I Richard the work I've been doing. I appreciated a podcast. I saw Richard Redd, the founder of Jinkies, last year and he spoke about a wound map and I'm like, oh my god, this is exactly what I'm doing. I'm actually helping us create a map, a wound map, of our lifetimes, basically that's shown up in this lifetime and then, through this work, you create a map of it, or wholeness, which turns out to be your superpowers. Beautiful, beautiful. So we're liberating the gifts that we came to share in this lifetime by reclaiming all that power and moving into the next expression and liberating the next version of you whatever it is, and it's very, very immersive for a month process.

Speaker 1:

Sounds like it, and so is it a group thing.

Speaker 2:

Or is it any? And so the point too, and it's part of it, actually a larger thing. I'm also creating a platform, but it's very much community-based. My intent is we can't do this work if we're not witnessed.

Speaker 2:

We just can't you cannot do this work and I can't witness all the people, so I'm teaching people to witness themselves and others, so that we have a tribe, we have a community of like-sold humans who want to become the next version of humanity, and so this course will be the flagship offer of this new platform I'm also launching next year, which will be a platform that will also host not just my work, but there's thousands of people in the world offering cutting edge work that I don't need to replicate. It's someone else's expression of their golden thread Yahoo. So many of us doing this work. So my intent is to create a platform where the best of the best of the best come in like yes, you too, can offer your thing here that we can all access, and so we create this very large container of those of us who are wanting to be the next version of humanity, and we're going to make this trip together.

Speaker 1:

I've been calling it a Well, that's only going to happen if we do it together.

Speaker 2:

Right, and I've been calling it a flotella because we're kind of arm in arm, ship by ship, sailing into the future.

Speaker 2:

Except we're not sailing into the future, we're bringing the future to us by creating an alternate reality right here and now, and so a lot of the work really is about OK, now that you are this being, you've figured out what it is. We're going to create it right here and now. We're not going to wait another 10 or 20 or 30 years. Let's create this reality, and I've learned how to create parallel realities that evokes magic.

Speaker 1:

Is there a place where we can read about this course? That's available, though it's emerging so fast.

Speaker 2:

I'm just now writing the copy and it's not going to be a typical sales page funnel kind of thing. It's like I don't have time for that. We don't have time for me to do some big, huge marketing thing. So I've outlined the course. I know it's in the product. I'm actually right now creating a description of it and I'm probably going to do one or two different kinds of webinars. So if you go to my website, emergenceinstitutenet and that's not emergency or emergent, it's emergenceinstitutenet sign up for anything on my website. You'll be on my mailing list and I'll start announcing it soon, you know, within the month.

Speaker 1:

Wonderful and your website will be in the little descriptive under the podcast I think this is a good time to stop. There is just a million other things that I would like to talk about. That would be for another podcast. We haven't even touched on developmental stages and all that stuff, but we'll have another conversation. Thank you, claire.

Speaker 2:

Thank you so much, holly.

Speaker 1:

It was wonderful to have you here. Likewise, thank you for listening to Women Rise. If you enjoyed the show today, please leave us a review. To get announcements when a new podcast is published, send me an email at claireunixelfemergencecom to be added on my distribution list. If you're interested in being a guest on my podcast or you would like to join my private free group for female leaders, go to my podcast description for the links to apply. Thanks again and see you soon on the Women Rise podcast.